Sunday, April 19, 2009

Korean Musical Instruments

These instruments were on display and I thought they were interesting...

Korean Sraditional Show

This posting is also out of order but I guess it is better late than never. I went to a music show with Daniel, one of our previous students, and two of my co-workers Andrea and Nivard. In the show we were not allowed to take pictures but of course I turned off my flash and took some pictures.

Shine's baby shower and Andi's farewell

Ok, so these pictures are a little out of order. This party was at the end of Feb. and this what...April and I am now writing about them.

Shine is one of our Korean teachers...she teaches the pre-level class. Since the shower she has had a healthy baby boy two weeks ago. His name is currentlly Sul Ho, but they are planning to change it since his uncle doesn't like it. Go figure!!!!

Some other co workers and church members came to visit and brought real food for her.

The meals were also very interesting...she had rice and kimchi with every meal as usual

During her stay she had to get some injections and had to have her IV changed...notice all of this was done with out gloves, also the photo with all the gloves hanging on the rack was the RE-USABLE gloves from surgery....yes i said reusable. "very interesting"

This is Niva just before surgery and just after..i was standing right outside the surgical room that was wide open for all to see inside.